Crazy child .... her heart she cursed his own mother in FB ...!!!

crazy child .... her heart she cursed his own mother in FB ...!!!
I just read it until annoyed ..!!!Yeaah How can a child raised by a mother who curses like this ... even until death curse ..

I attach a screen shot
in the Indonesian language)

The corpse could walk home

Kg a town in the area Toradja (Indonesia) there is a rara avis of science in which they
could make the corpse walk home alone. This occurred in a mountainous region of Indonesia majoring Bukau. If there is death
in Kg Toradja then the corpse will be given the power of hypnotism to the death
can go home on foot and only stopped when it came to her home. This power
made so as not to trouble people take care of Kg of body

Not all men

Not all men are interested in a woman's body

Bra Untying Contest

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

It's embarrassing for any man, that the bra untying contest in China was won by a woman.
She managed to untie 8 bras in just 21 seconds. And she won 1,000 yuan ($146).

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

Bra Untying Contest is Won by a Woman (8 images)

Some Weird Phones

Interesting ParK In KoreA

One Body and Two Souls

Strange animals

What animal do this?
This Pig but like dogs, this dog but like Pig
The more bizarre course of this world

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