The spirit of the fans FifaWorld 2010

Remember the last time you went to a big sporting event and the fans of women go all out to show their team spirit.
Not only give encouragement to their team but will give its own color splendor World Cup 2010
Check out some photos that might make you add the spirit of supporting your team.

Celebrities That Became Overweight

I remember the majority of these celebs when they were young and fit. Now the years have gone by and they are not what they were anymore… Well, time changes us all, some of us in a better way, some of us not in a not very flattering way…
Mariah Carey

Kristie Alley

Alec Baldwin

Britney Spears

Kelly LeBrock

Danielle Fishel

Rosie O'Donell

Janet Jackson

Tyra Banks

Kelly Clarkson

John Travolta

Jessica Simpson

Hilary Duff

Elisha Cuthbert

Sanction Traditional Living, Youth Marry A Cow

Ngurah Alit, the young residents of Jembrana, Bali, must marry a cow to go through customs sanctions. Tradition must be complied with the 17-year-old bachelor, because the action violated nekatnya cow.

Alit is a citizen of the village of Yeh Threshold, Jembrana. Alit mecaru ritual (washing on the beach), Saturday (12 / 6), witnessed by hundreds of people. Alit purified and then wed. Tradition that led the local traditional leaders.

According to residents, Alit must undergo a tradition rather than citizens to share in the disgrace impact Alit deeds. Residents agreed to hold accountable Alit act strangely after it discovered some time ago.

Ida Bagus Legawa, local community leaders say the ritual as a means of cleansing the village. Alit actions considered unnatural and unfavorable impacts. He added that the cow had married Alit immediately thrown into the sea after a tradition held.

The real Wonder Woman

The real Wonder Woman on the street

Ariel Peterporn Effect

The scandal of Ariel Peterporn, apparently not only makes a scene on twitter or Facebook but provide other effects, the effect occurred, ie:

3D Newspapers, The Hottest Thing

Ever since China’s first 3D newspaper was released, back in April, the public has been asking for more. And they’re about to get it, as a limited number of the Hangzhou-based Daily Business editions are about to be issued, in 3D format.

British tabloid, The Sun, has announced it will be launching the first 3D newspaper today, a few days before the Soccer World Cup kicks off, in an attempt to raise awareness to the 3D broadcast of the sports event, by Sky News. Sorry guys, but you’re almost two months late, in China, 3D newspapers are already yesterday’s news.

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